Analysts said sectors with significant foreign currency debt and high import costs or overseas expenses are particularly susceptible to fluctuations in the exchange rate. 分析师们表示,拥有巨额外币债务和高进口成本或海外支出的行业尤其容易受到汇率波动的影响。
Product prices in the "SV" catalogue may be altered due to fluctuations in exchange rate parity. 列入SV目录中的产品的价格可能会根据汇率的浮动有所变动。
Forward cover the arrangement of a forward foreign exchange contract to protect a buyer or seller of foreign currency from unexpected fluctuations in the exchange rate. 远期抛补,远期保护买卖远期外汇合同的安排,以保护外汇的买方或卖方不受外汇汇率意外波动的影响。
If RMB occurs fluctuations in exchange or ABB manufacture transfer price changed, cniab reserve right of adjust price. 若人民币汇率发生变化或abb原生产厂家方面价格调整时,本公司保留对此价格表更改的权利。
Under forfeiting there is no risk of fluctuations in the exchange rate and no changes in the status of the debtor. 丧失没有交换率的波动以及在债务人的状态方面的没有变化的风险。
This average of the actual and the deflated exchanges rates is intended to smooth the impact of fluctuations in prices and exchange rates. 这一实际和减缩的汇率平均数,旨在消除价格和波动的影响。
In a simplified textbook world of floating exchange rates, countries do not need reserves since fluctuations in the exchange rate would balance imports and exports. 在简化的浮动汇率标准环境中,由于汇率的波动会平衡进出口,各国不再需要储备货币。
Minor fluctuations in the market exchange rate on the strong side of the link are a feature of our monetary system, and they are nothing to get too excited about. 只是市场汇率略有波动至强于联系汇率,是本港货币制度可以容许的,大家无需过于紧张。
McDonald's declined to comment but Coca-Cola said it actively hedges against fluctuations in the euro and the yen, and that the soft drink company had locked in an in effect dollar-euro exchange rate of$ 1.40 for the balance of the year. 麦当劳拒绝置评,但可口可乐表示,它针对欧元和日元的波动,积极进行了对冲操作。该软饮料公司已将今年剩余时间内欧元/美元汇率锁定在1欧元兑1.40美元。
Estimates indicate that central banks are unlikely to react to regular fluctuations in the exchange rate. 研究发现,这些国家的中央银行似乎并未对汇率正常的波动进行相应的反应调整。
Investors are exposed to fluctuations in the base currencies exchange rate. 投资者或需承受有关结算货币兑换率波动的风险。
In the market conditions, studies have shown that large fluctuations, in particular in the reserve ratio and exchange rate changes, can be enormous on commercial bank liquidity risk. 研究证明,在市场波动较大的条件下,尤其是准备金率与汇率变动对商业银行流动性可以造成巨大风险。
Fluctuations in RMB exchange rate will affect the exports of mechanical and electrical products by changing the price of mechanical and electrical products, increasing the speed of exporting and so on. 人民币汇率的变动将通过机电产品的价格变化、出口增速等途径来影响机电产品出口贸易。
The Chinese economy has been fluctuations in international oil prices, global economic slowdown, the Renminbi exchange rate and other international factors such as the economic development of their own over-heated, natural disasters and inflation. 此前,中国经济已受到国际石油价格上涨波动、全球经济放缓、人民币汇率升值等因素的影响,并且还面临自身经济发展过热、自然灾害和通货膨胀等国内因素的压力。
In floating exchange rate system, the continued abnormal fluctuations in the exchange rate is the most confusing phenomenon and difficult to explain though the economic theory. 浮动汇率制度下,外汇市场上汇率的持续异常波动是经济学中最让人困惑和难以给予理论解释的经济现象之一。
With Frequently fluctuations in the exchange rate today, exchange rate risk faced by commercial banks is more severe than in the past. 在人民币汇率频繁波动的今天,商业银行面对的汇率风险相比以往更加严峻。
At present, our country is facing an unprecedented appreciation pressure of the RMB exchange rate, and fluctuations in the RMB exchange rate are bound to affect the import and export commodity prices and market competitiveness. 目前,我国面临着改革开放30多年来前所未有的升值压力,人民币汇率的波动必然会影响到进出口商品的价格和市场竞争力。
It introduces which lead to fluctuations in the exchange rate of the domestic factors, including economic development factors, the trade surplus factor, the real economy and monetary dependence on the external economic operations and other factors. 其中介绍了导致汇率变动的国内因素,包括经济发展因素,贸易收支顺差因素,实体经济和货币经济运行对外部依赖等因素。